DIY cardboard weaving

cardboard weaving

My first attempt…


So here we go!!! At first I wanted to go with the loom Hello Hydrangea did but last night I just wanted to start SOMETHING….so I made a weaving loom out of cardboard like Craftystylish made (links to DIY weaving looms in my earlier post) and can I say it is so awesome and super easy – really the best bet for someone who just wants to start some type of weaving.

What I did notice was that I kept on wanting to pull on the yard to tighten it but that was a bad idea. Pulling on the weft yarn only made everything skew on the sides, not a very nice look. Instead I began to weave my needle every three to four threads of yard along the warp (the longitudinal threads) and pushing up on the weft threads (lateral threads). This really allowed me to create a nice weave.

Now the cardboard I used was from the side of a diapers box, it is pretty sturdy but I can definitely see how having something a little more substantial could make it a lot easier. Next loom I make will be out of the picture frame and nails – will post those pictures soon!

-Crystal ❤

Barnes and Noble obsession

Ok….as a crafter B&N has become the place that if you can’t find me you’ll probably find me here. Reading. Every. Craft. Book. Magazine. Possible. Really, its a little sick.
Today I am obsessing over Molly Makes…why does this magazine have everything I love in it!!


Look at this tutorial….AMAzING. ok, now I know what I’m doing today!!
–> so tell me about your reading obsessions….I am always on the lookout for a new crafting idea 🙂

Until next time….craft love forever