DIY cardboard weaving

cardboard weaving

My first attempt…


So here we go!!! At first I wanted to go with the loom Hello Hydrangea did but last night I just wanted to start SOMETHING….so I made a weaving loom out of cardboard like Craftystylish made (links to DIY weaving looms in my earlier post) and can I say it is so awesome and super easy – really the best bet for someone who just wants to start some type of weaving.

What I did notice was that I kept on wanting to pull on the yard to tighten it but that was a bad idea. Pulling on the weft yarn only made everything skew on the sides, not a very nice look. Instead I began to weave my needle every three to four threads of yard along the warp (the longitudinal threads) and pushing up on the weft threads (lateral threads). This really allowed me to create a nice weave.

Now the cardboard I used was from the side of a diapers box, it is pretty sturdy but I can definitely see how having something a little more substantial could make it a lot easier. Next loom I make will be out of the picture frame and nails – will post those pictures soon!

-Crystal ❤

Cute Coasters for the Minimalist in all of us….

Out of all the home craft projects, I feel that coasters are the best if you have a little time and want to do something crafty for the home. They also make the best gifts, especially if your short on time – tie them with a pretty ribbon and you have a beautiful thoughtful gift!

Currently, I am obsessed with anything minimalist and these are a few coasters that are on my radar to be done ASAP. Here are my top 5:

1) The Purl Bee – Tumbling Blocks Coasters

Gorgeous for all that lovely wool felt you may left over from dreamy millinery projects!

2) Mini Pallet Coaster 

With a toddler at home I have so many craft sticks lying around, these coasters are THE cutest. The possibilities are endless with this one…

3) Industrial Style Cement Coasters

Gorgeous with a little pop of color, read through this tutorial it is a lot easier than it sounds!

4) Sake Puppets – Sashiko Coaster

The simple stitch patterns in sashiko make this an excellent embroidery project. Angela has a very nice sashiko tutorial for those new to the art, very clear with good photos.

5) Showmepretty – The Studded Mouse Pad

Ok –  not technically a coaster but the idea is so simple and incredibly pretty!

Any of these will add a nice minimalist touch to your home. I will post mine as soon as I can get this baby to bed!


-Crystal ❤


So…I think I’m going to try weaving.


Weaving’s rich history spanning generations and cultures.

Today I stumbled on something my mind had been silently processing for some time, weaving. It’s one of those art forms that you index away waiting for the right time to gather the creative force to begin this particular endeavor.

It amazes me how history has been colored by the skillful hands of weavers, creating memories of their people and imprinting their creative forces in a humble warp and weft. I have visions of a large, crazy loom with what seems like a thousand colors but first I need to start small…

First thing I am going to do is make a loom. Combing the internet has led me to some surprisingly simple ways to create your first loom. You can try using a picture frame as Hello Hydrangea did here, or make one from cardboard as Craft Leftovers did here, for an even simpler version of the cardboard loom Craftstylish here – this is probably one I’m going to try first.

As soon as I get it all up and running I will make sure to keep you guys posted! Have any of you tried to make your own loom? Please share the wisdom tell us what worked for you!


Barnes and Noble obsession

Ok….as a crafter B&N has become the place that if you can’t find me you’ll probably find me here. Reading. Every. Craft. Book. Magazine. Possible. Really, its a little sick.
Today I am obsessing over Molly Makes…why does this magazine have everything I love in it!!


Look at this tutorial….AMAzING. ok, now I know what I’m doing today!!
–> so tell me about your reading obsessions….I am always on the lookout for a new crafting idea 🙂

Until next time….craft love forever

Tambour/ Aari Embroidery


Recently, I stumbled on a beautiful form of embroidery that I had no idea about Tambour/ Aari embroidery. If you do a search on Pinterest a new world of embroidery and beading jumps out at you….how could I have lived so long and never have known!

From what I can gather tambour embroidery is an ancient art with early examples coming from China, India, Persia and Turkey. This embroidery was brought to Europe and the US in the 18th and 19th centuries, some say that tambour embroidery is an early form of crochet which becomes pretty obvious once you see how the stitch is formed.

Tambour embroidery is easily put a chain stitch but instead of using a needle a tambour hook is used. Tambour hooks similar to a small, sharp crochet hook. Aari embroidery actually does use a very small crochet hook (US size 14) and is typically seen in the Indian form of this embroidery.

Tambour/ Aari embroidery allows you to cover a large area fairly quickly once you get a hang of the stitch but its real glory is in the beading. Many times I would pick up a gorgeously beaded dress and wondered at how they were able to stitch each bead on to the dress so meticulously and now I know! Tambour is what major couture houses use when they need to bead and it turns out amazing!

I was desperate to find some useful information on this art but there really isn’t much out there but here are a few good links:

1) great picture tutorial on the basic stitch:

2) the master Mr. Robert Haven video on the basic beading stitch:  –> he also teaches one of the classes offered in the US but he is located in Kentucky…I am definitely going to try to attend this class!!!

3) a place where Mr. Haven and many other tambour addicts get their supplies: Lacis –> they have a very good starter set

4) fabric: I haven’t gotten much solid information about what to use but Mr. Haven suggests using a see through silk organza or any see through material to start off with, leaving the chiffon until you are adept at the technique